Leaflet media as an effort to increase knowledge of dental health maintenance in elementary school students
Leaflet media, knowledge, dental health, elementary school studentsAbstract
Knowledge can be increased through health promotion. In terms of the age at which children are susceptible to disease, counseling is especially aimed at groups prone to dental and oral health problems, namely elementary school-aged children. Leaflet media is the right media to increase the knowledge of fourth grade students where students can already read. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of dental and oral health maintenance knowledge before and after being given counseling using leaflet media to class IV students at SDN Sawangan 07 Depok in 2022. The research design used was quasi-experimental. The sampling technique with a total sample of 36 students. Data was collected by filling out pre-test and post-test questionnaires given to class IVB students. Data analysis used paired sample test. The results of the study before being given counseling about dental health maintenance using leaflet media had a good level of knowledge category of 25 people with a percentage of 69%, the level of knowledge in the sufficient category was 5 people with a percentage of 14%, and the level of knowledge in the poor category was 6 people with a percentage of 17%. The results of the study after being given counseling about maintaining dental health with leaflet media, most of the respondents had a good level of knowledge, 29 people with a percentage of 81%, the level of knowledge in the sufficient category was 7 people with a percentage of 19%, and no students were included in the poor category. The results of the paired sample test analysis obtained a p-value of 0.000. Conclusion: leaflet media is effective in increasing knowledge about maintaining oral health in elementary school students.
Keywords: Leaflet media, knowledge, dental health, elementary school students
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