A Comprehensive Review on Tailoring an Herbal Approach for Treatment of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome


  • Arpana Purohit Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001
  • Sameeksha Jain Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001
  • Prakhar Nema Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001
  • Deepak Kumar Jain Sun Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (SIPER), Bhatpura Road, Lahar, Bhind, MP, 477445
  • Harshna Vishwakarma Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001
  • Prateek Kumar Jain Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001




Poly cystic ovarian syndrome, Herbal medicine, Herbs, Natural plants


The review gives a brief about poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and the symptoms related to the disease. Around 2.2 to 26% of cases of PCOS are present globally. The disorder generally occurs in the reproductive age group of women. The review has a mention of few herbs which can be used to correct the diseased condition. The various herbs have a positive effect on the diseased condition and can be used to cure symptoms like hypothyroidism, hyperplasia, obesity, diabetes, Menorrhagia, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular problems, hyperlipidemia, hirsutism, infertility, irregular menstrual cycle, etc. The herbs included in the review include Bauhinia variegata useful in hormone imbalance, Phyllanthus emblica, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula, and Commiphora wightii are used to regulate the hormones, Cinnamon cassia acts as an anti-oxidant, Tribulus terrestris improves reproductive dysfunction, Hypericum perforatum regulates depression, Commiphora myrrha prevents menorrhagia, Nigella sativa controls cholesterol, Saraca asoca has estrogenic action, Asparagus racemosus promotes folliculogenesis, Tinospora cordifolia regulates menstrual flow, Ocimum sanctum as an anti-oxidant. The plants taken had a positive effect on women with PCOS without causing any side effects. The natural herbs used for the treatment of PCOS did not have any side effects and treated the diseased condition naturally. This review aims to understand the natural plants available for the treatment of the disease naturally. The herbs can be used individually or can be used in combination.

Keywords: Poly cystic ovarian syndrome, Herbal medicine, Herbs, Natural plants

Author Biographies

Arpana Purohit, Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Sameeksha Jain, Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Prakhar Nema, Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Deepak Kumar Jain, Sun Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (SIPER), Bhatpura Road, Lahar, Bhind, MP, 477445

Sun Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (SIPER), Bhatpura Road, Lahar, Bhind, MP, 477445

Harshna Vishwakarma, Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Prateek Kumar Jain, Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001

Adina College of Pharmacy, ADINA Campus Rd, Lahdara, Sagar, MP, 470001


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How to Cite

Purohit, A. ., Jain, S. ., Nema, P. ., Jain, D. K. ., Vishwakarma, H. ., & Jain, P. K. . (2022). A Comprehensive Review on Tailoring an Herbal Approach for Treatment of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Asian Journal of Dental and Health Sciences, 2(1), 27–32. https://doi.org/10.22270/ajdhs.v2i1.13


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