The Vital Role of Blood Transfusions during Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Review
Blood Transfusions, Pregnancy, Maternal Health, Hemorrhage, Anemia, Obstetrics, Fetal Health, Transfusion MedicineAbstract
Pregnancy is a remarkable yet complex physiological state that can be accompanied by various complications, including obstetric hemorrhage and severe anemia, which significantly affect maternal and fetal health. Blood transfusions serve as crucial interventions to manage these complications and mitigate potential risks. This comprehensive review synthesizes the pivotal role of blood transfusions during pregnancy, encompassing their indications, benefits, risks, and advancements in transfusion medicine. Exploring the multifaceted landscape of transfusions in addressing obstetric challenges, anemia, and other maternal conditions, this article underscores the paramount importance of timely and appropriate transfusion interventions to safeguard the health and well-being of both mother and child. Through an in-depth analysis of current knowledge and emerging trends, this review aims to provide a holistic understanding of the significance of blood transfusions in optimizing outcomes during pregnancy.
Keywords: Blood Transfusions, Pregnancy, Maternal Health, Hemorrhage, Anemia, Obstetrics, Fetal Health, Transfusion Medicine
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